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Josh Elias

(613) 462-2764
Senior Full Stack Developer
Ottawa, ON Canada
July 24, 1989
Gaming, Jiu Jitsu, Hiking, Skiing, Hydroponics
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I have been developing software for over 12 years in various industries. Originally going into Video Game Development in 2010, I got an internship that turned into a full time job after graduating top of my class in 2013. It was at this job where I discovered the different aspects of what is needed to launch a software product and gravitated towards Backend Development. Developing tools and APIs to enable other developers do their jobs better.

While there I also started to notice the growing industry of online streaming and Esports as a legitimate business and began looking for opportunities. After submitting my resume as a donation message to one of my favourite streamers at the time, I moved from Ontario to British Columbia to become the lead backend developer for Tempostorm's website and internal tools. This content website received thousand of daily viewers and almost 10k concurrent users when we'd release our competitive "meta snapshot" for the game Hearthstone. One of my highlights while working there was developing a tournament platform and drafting tool for a Hearthstone tournament sponsored by Redbull that was viewed by almost 100,000 people on Twitch.

My next position was back in my hometown of Ottawa where over the course of 4 years I ending up filling the role of CTO and co-founding a tech company, Originally a simple lead generation and marketing company, we soon got an exclusive partnership with Equifax Canada becoming the first company in Canada to offer users their full credit reports for free for the purpose of finanicial education and empowering them to get the best deal on their next vehicle.

These days I’ve moved away from management to focus more on software development and collaborating with talented people all around the world to create the best products I can using cutting edge frameworks and techniques.